Lazy Lu’au Third Edition at Trader Vic’s Bahrain

Saturday, Oct 5

Trader Vic's, Bahrain

Trader Vic's, Bahrain

Paid Entry


Already waiting for next Lu’au? Not too long now as another Saturday set up for a day of relaxation, tiki fun, Mai Tais, and funky beats by Djette Arp on October 5th!

Price packages include:
BD 20 – unlimited food
BD 30 – unlimited drinks
BD 40 – unlimited food and drinks

If you don’t see a package that works for you? Book a table with BD 150 min spend and Hula on the beach as you like!  (Minimum Spend applies to all reservations and a table can be for up to 8 persons)

Timings : 2 pm – 11 pm

For more information call: +973 1758 6555


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